Increase by 97% the purchase intention thanks to videos

Increase by 97% the purchase intention thanks to videos

As you probably know, video is becoming an increasingly important part of marketing strategies.

Studies* have shown that:

  • 90% of users state that videos of products are essential in their decision-making process.
  • 64% of users are more likely to purchase a product online after watching a video
  • A single video can increase purchase intent by 97% and increase the conversion rate on a landing page by almost 80%!

As you can see, adding more video to your ads must be one of your priorities if you want to stay on top of the competition.

But it takes time as well as skill. So there's a simple solution: Find products for sale already backed by a video!

That's why Seller Pulse makes your job easier

When searching, simply activate the following criterion « Video only »

Only products with a video will then be shown to you.

Then watch the video with a single click:

We have already listed more than  205 000 videos and the number is still growing! Over the last two weeks alone we have added 30,000 products to this list.

All of which is enough to fill the catalogue of any seller

Try Now

See you soon on Seller Pulse AliExpress

Jawad @ Seller Pulse


* Source :